Recent research tells us that Texas faces a serious trash pollution problem. Trash accumulates on the Texas coast
ten times faster than it does on the coasts of other Gulf states. Texas also has the highest average weight of trash debris per mile surveyed of any state in the nation, according to a report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Ocean Conservancy.

Map from "An analysis of marine debris in the U.S." report, 2017.
More than 600 bird species have been identified in Texas, the second-most of any state in the U.S. Unfortunately, trash pollution poses a threat to these birds that rely on our coastal ecosystems for their breeding habitat and migrations. Whether it’s a bird that’s become entangled in plastic fishing line, a nest that’s been constructed with a discarded net, or a bird that’s ingested plastic, the trash on our coasts presents a serious challenge for birds and all other living things - even people!
A Wilson's Plover created a nest among this discarded fish net. Photo by Kristen Vale/ABC
Throughout years of bird conservation work on the Upper Texas coast, American Bird Conservancy (ABC) saw first-hand the impact that trash pollution has on birds and other wildlife. So in 2020, ABC paired up with Gulf Coast Bird Observatory and Black Cat GIS to form SPLASh, or Stopping Plastics and Litter Along Shorelines, in order to address the overlapping issues of trash pollution and wildlife conservation. We hope you'll join us on our mission to create a cleaner environment for people, birds, and other wildlife!